August 17th is National Thrift Shop Day. We all know that I think it should be a national holiday. 🙂 I love my thrift shopping – both shopping and writing about it. I take great enjoyment out of the “hunt” and I have met some remarkable people along the way. Please remember when you shop My Sister’s Place, Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat For Humanity, Angel Street, Cauz For Pawz, Housing Works,  and countless others, you are supporting PHENOMENAL causes and helping change countless lives. So on National Thrift Shop Day, please go out and shop, you will be supporting someone in need and helping the environment!! Every piece of clothing purchased second-hand means one less new one produced. So in honor of National Thrift Shop Day, here are my top reasons why I love thrift shopping: You are more than likely supporting a charity that helps people in need. You are helping to save the environment. Thrift shopping allows you to create your own style, be unique and try different things. You are saving money. Vintage pieces can make an outfitlook spectacular. You can decorate your home inexpensively. You can buy housewares at a fraction off the original cost.

You meet some amazing people along the way.

Thrift stores have sales too. and…. The enjoyment I get from thrift shopping especially when I find a really special piece. Happy National Thrift Shop Day!! Thank you for reading – if you like my blogs, please like my Facebook page: TonionThrifting Until next time, Happy Shopping!